Everything You Need to Know About Maskne

Face masks are the best way to protect yourself and others from the very real dangers of COVID-19. There is not, and should not, be any questions about that—wear the damn mask. Unfortunately, the increasing normality of daily face mask wearing has added a new term to our ever-expanding coronavirus lexicon: maskne.

What exactly is maskne? What causes it?

As the portmanteau suggests, maskne is acne that comes from wearing a face mask. It’s actually an issue that’s been on dermatologists’ radars long before COVID—from their own, and other health professionals, use of face masks and from the SARS crisis years ago.

Maskne is, clinically speaking, acne mechanica, which is caused by friction, rubbing, and occlusion of the skin by outside forces.

We know that acne usually develops when pores get clogged by oil, dead cells, dirt, or bacteria. Face masks can push bacteria into the skin and create micro-tears, which allow easier entry for dirt and bacteria—this, in turn, can lead to inflammation which then drives the acne process. These micro-tears also break down the skin’s protective barrier.

Let’s not forget the oil, humidity, and sweat trapped underneath a mask’s fabric, which creates a moisture-rich environment in which bacteria and organisms thrive and overgrow. Disgusting.

I’ve been wearing masks for a few months now. Why is this only happening to me now?

Weather. The warm, humid summer air means we’re spending more time outside than we usually do. We’re also sweating more, because it’s hot.

But cold, dry winter air isn’t exactly the solution. That also increases the odds of getting maskne, just in a different, but equally gross and disappointing, way. Maskne in the summertime is most likely due to clogged pores, whereas maskne in the winter is most likely due to friction on dry, delicate winter skin. Friction on dry skin can cause hair follicles to break open, allowing acne-causing bacteria to quickly seep into the skin.

Is maskne preventable?

I’m not going to claim that you can completely, without a doubt prevent maskne. Life is unpredictable and shit happens. But there are steps you can take to decrease those odds. See below:


Okay, but what about the maskne I already have? How should I treat it?

I’m glad you asked. Let’s talk treatment.


Thanks. Anything else I should know?

Always. Masks are so important right now. Wear a freaking mask. But let’s call a spade, a spade. Masks trap in humidity, dirt, oil, and sweat. It’s pretty much a given that you will experience sort of irritation from mask-wearing eventually. Take precautionary steps and keep on fighting the good fight, people!


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